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Tag Archives: instalação

Instalação interativa feita na frente de um cinema por conta do filme Tron: Legacy.

Via UoD

It includes 1,200 custom-designed cars and 18 lanes; 13 toy trains and tracks; and, dotting the landscape, buildings made of wood block, tiles, Legos and Lincoln Logs. The crew is still at work on the installation. In “Metropolis II,” by his calculation, “every hour 100,000 cars circulate through the city,” Mr. Burden said. “It has an audio quality to it. When you have 1,200 cars circulating it mimics a real freeway. It’s quite intense.”

Via Berg London

“Swarm Light” at Design Miami/Art Basel is an experimental light installation with a real‚ collective consciousness that subtly reacts to the viewer’s audible presence. The viewers‘ presence creates a soundscape that directly alters the behaviour of the entire environment surrounding ‘Swarm Light‘. Human presence brings a basic form of artificial intelligence to life.

Blair Neal, a Fine Arts student from New York, has created an art project installation called Color a Sound. Each colored marking made on a transparency produces a corresponding sound as it passes a sensor. The user can vary the speed of the composition by changing the rolling speed of the transparency. It can be played backwards and compositions can even be stored and played back later. Different colors produce different octaves, maximizing the range of the device. The application is written in the interactive programming environments of Max/MSP and Jitter.

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Do caralho!

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more about "Envision: Step into the sensory box", posted with vodpod

Clap, clap, clap!

Mobile Mobile é uma instalação de Natal no escritório internacional da Lost Boys, em Londres. Eles usaram 50 celulares antigos colhetados na empresa para fazer este mobile enorme. Cada telefone é controlado individualmente por um computador e tem seu próprio tom. Quando ninguém interage com a escultura, ele joga “Carol of the Bells”. Mas você pode controlá-lo através deste website, ou você pode enviar um tweet com #lbitree e interagir.

Mobile Mobile is just one in a line of many great lo-fi art/build concepts; from the Design Museum’s Aquarium, Digital By Design, Troika and The Cloud, the Printer Bleeping Thingy (I can’t remember who did it), all the great work by W+K, and of course, AKQA’s wonderful microwaves from last Christmas.

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“Of How We Have to Leave Doubts, Expectations and the Unachieved” is an installation by André Gonçalves. Each time a visitor enters the room, a balloon is released. Industrial fans then blow the balloon around in an unpredictable way. A camera sends an feed to a computer which calculates the distance, angle and speed of the balloon. This data is passed on to a paintball gun which then tries to shoot the balloon. It would have been nice if the visitors could control the fans so they could try to save the balloon from the gun. But the computer is probably faster than any human interaction.

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Instalação que controlada gotas de água para criar uma cascata de palavras e imagens. Um módulo horizontal libera as gotas em momentos precisos para formar um resultado que é uma palavra do teto e depois desaparecem após o impacto com o chão. Mágico.




Uma série de esculturas sonoras que nos leva a uma experiência sinestésica de imagem e som utilizando um magnífico conjunto de pequenas máquinas planejadas para funcionarem como uma orquestra, onde os sons concebidos revelam uma apresentação mínima e precisa. Concebido pelo suíço Zimoun e merecedor de todos os adjetivos acima.

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