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Tag Archives: bbh labs

Perdoe o termo babaca, mas a apresentação – feita em conjunto por BBH Labs e Campfire – é coisa fina.

Mais um post instigante do BBH Labs sobre Singularity e Inteligência Artficial. A citação abaixo, de Bill Joy, em 2000, é para deixar pedaços do cérebro entre as teclas:

“In the game of life and evolution there are three players at the table: human beings, nature, and machines. I am firmly on the side of nature. But nature, I suspect, is on the side of the machines.”

Uma matéria foda do NYT sobre Singularity e Ray Kurzweil:

“We will transcend all of the limitations of our biology … That is what it means to be human — to extend who we are.”

E um post foda do BBH Labs sobre esta matéria, com uma citação foda do Chris Anderson:

“This was one of those freaky moments when the future sneaks up and smacks you….Technology wants to be invented and we are almost powerless to stop it. We are hard-wired to create the future, be it good or bad. Invention is its own master.”

Se você gostou, alguns links sobre “computer simulation“.

Taí uma idéia que o Ethan Zuckerman deve estar aplaudindo, de pé. É do pessoal do BBH Labs.

The idea is that you simply lend your Facebook status to one of 7 Africans, thereby giving them the opportunity to let more people know about their lives. Your status is updated morning and afternoon for 5 days on your behalf, with the real stories of daily life in Africa. As part of the sign-up process, you can also lend your Twitter account, and even your Facebook profile picture to your choice of person – from a Nairobi streetkid or a Nomadic tribe member to a Flying Doctor or Traditional Birth Attendant.

O trabalho da BBH Labs para o CHrome está irretocável:

O vídeo abaixo é embasbacante.

A explicação para o que vai acima está nesse post do BBH Labs.

Os aplausos vão para o pessoal da IBM.

Quando a BBH Labs anunciou o Google Chrome como seu mais novo cliente, eu fiquei muito curioso para ver o que os caras iam criar. Ainda mais que a Glue London também estava envolvida na criação. Pois bem, o comercial ficou foda, clique aqui e veja. Mas ainda mais foda é o making of e o texto explicando a idéia.

We took Google’s ingenuity & innovation as inspiration in developing the idea for seven short films (& an intro), demonstrating the benefits of Google Chrome. Every creation is built by hand, filmed in camera, with no special effects added. Even the music where Jacqui, the harpist, is playing is live on set. As it should always be with Google, the product is the hero. We celebrate the Chrome product, but we hope in a “Googley” way.

The films work as a longer single film of around 4 minutes, where the 8 films are merged together. We’ve designed annotations into the experience on YouTube; these are effectively hyperlinks to other films embedded into the film itself – like roll-over hotspots with links behind them. We hope this makes YouTube even more interactive. The transition device between films (the ‘notice board’) is based on annotations.

Via BBH Labs



Animação encantadora da Nike. Sem excessos, só no traço. As nuvens, as árvores, o sol e a música são um espetáculo à parte.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Onwards on Vimeo“, posted with vodpod

Via BBH Labs